Daylight, Sunlight, Overshadowing, and Amenity Lighting Assessment

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Daylight, Sunlight, Overshadowing, and Amenity Lighting Assessment Consultants
Internal and External Lighting Impact Survey and Assessment
We specialise in BRE daylight and sunlight assessment and external lighting impact assessment to support planning applications. As expert BRE Lighting Consultants and amenity lighting consultants, we produce technical daylight and sunlight assessments in line with the appropriate BRE guidance to comply with local planning requirements.
Natural Light Assessment Planning is essential for creating comfortable living and working spaces. Natural light inside buildings is immensely important for comfortable living and working. We like and want natural light in our kitchens, and at our desks and other amenity spaces. People like to have a window seat and most people thoroughly dislike a windowless room. The amount of natural light that a window lets in depends upon what is outside that window, and particularly upon the proximity of other buildings.
The legal system recognises the value of natural light inside buildings, but because available space is finite it has to strike a balance between the importance of light and the importance of the construction of homes and offices, and the provision of jobs, schools and other essentials.
Local planning authorities consider the effect of new buildings upon existing structures, the planning system gives protection but not rights. Thus when planning permission is applied for, a local planning authority will want to see evidence of the effect it will have upon the neighbouring properties, including, in many cases, the light and other amenities that those properties currently have. Where a residential property is involved the local planning authority may use Site layout planning for daylight and sunlight assessment based on BRE Guidances.
Our daylight and sunlight assessment consultants provides a range of services covering all aspects of technical design and neighbouring impact assessment services for Skylight, Daylight, Sunlight along with Artificial Electrical Lighting. As part of this, our dedicated Lighting Team can provide expert advice on a variety of lighting issues.
We cater to both domestic structures such as independent houses, apartment complexes and non-domestic structures such as educational buildings, commercial complexes, mercantile spaces, storage and industrial buildings.
Our Services
Our Services are ISO certified and accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS):
We have a track record in successfully delivering quality projects to our clients and can offer services in the following areas:
- Daylight and sunlight assessment
- Daylight Survey
- Sunlight Survey
- right of light Assessment
- Overshadowing assessment on neighbouring properties
- LIghting impact on ecology and night sky
- Light pollution assessment
- Internal/ External Lighting Strategy
Our assessments are based on the latest guidances such as the Building Research Establishment (BRE) guide and British Standards (BS). We cater to both domestic structures such as independent houses, apartment complexes and non-domestic structures such as educational buildings, commercial complexes, mercantile spaces, storage and industrial buildings.
Daylight and Sunlight, Overshadowing, Internal and External Light Simulation and Design
We use industry-leading IESVE Light Modelling software designed by IES with specialised modelling component such as:
- RadianceIES: A detailed 3D simulation tool designed to predict daylight, and the appearance of internal spaces prior to construction;
- FlucsPro: Sophisticated tool for analysing combined artificial and natural light-levels for daylight harvesting;
- FlucsDL: Offers the daylighting only capabilities of FlucsPro, allowing you to perform point-by-point analysis to determine daylighting levels within a room, or group of rooms; and
- LightPro: Allows you to place light fittings anywhere in a room for subsequent analysis using FlucsPro or RadianceIES.
With the IESVE software we can undertake daylighting for LEED and BREEAM, electric lighting design, glare prediction, daylight harvesting, daylight autonomy, user-specified visualizations etc.
We would be pleased to hear from you if you would like to discuss your requirements and how we can help you with your project, please contact us on 0333 006 2524 or email us on

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