0333 006 2524 contact@aval-group.co.uk

Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Consultants

We carry out Health Impact Assessments (HIA) to identify potential positive and negative impacts of new developments on health, wellbeing and health inequalities. Our Health Impact Assessment Consultants carry out both Rapid HIA and Detailed HIA to support planning applications for new developments. An HIA usually includes explicit consideration of how a proposed development will impact different population groups. It includes recommendations to mitigate any harm to health and enhance any benefits.

We provide bespoke technical advice for HIA and our multi-disciplinary environmental consulting experience with our wide range of specialist environmental knowledge provide us with the skills required to carry out detailed and project-specific HIA.


Our Services are ISO certified and accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS):

HIA Services

The steps to carry out an HIA are well established and are similar to the steps for Environmental and other Impact Assessments. The typical stages if an HIA is: Pre Screening, Screening, Scoping, Appraisal and Recommendation.

A typical HIA may consider topic such as:

  • The demographic make-up of the local population especially any particularly susceptible or socially excluded groups, as identified in the scope.
  • Health status of the local population including common health conditions: again, consider susceptible and socially excluded groups.
  • Social, cultural, economic features of the local area covered by the proposed development.
  • Features of the local area: e.g. facilities and amenities, environmental challenges.
  • Current provision relevant to the specific proposed development.

We would be pleased to hear from you if you would like to discuss your requirements and how we can help you with your project, please contact us on +44 (0) 333 006 2524 or email us on info@aval-group.co.uk